B.C. |
History |
2023 |
- On March, Jinpao has passed the supplier onboarding process of GISTDA and SSTL certificate for satellite manufacturing and delivered finished good in support of THEOS-2 project.
- On April, Jinpao to be accredited with U.S. NADCAP certificate in the field of Heat-Treatment Processing by the Authority of SAE.
- On July, Jinpao completed voluntary Carbon Emission Check & Inventory and got the certificate of ISO14064-1 from SGS.
- On July, Jinpao launched the third phase of green energy project to innvest in the construction of a solar power generation equipment system with a capacity of 1,505 kWp, increasing the company's renewable energy usage rate from 10.257% to 29.416%.
2022 |
- On February 18, Jinpao welcomed Mr. Estelle David, Director of Business France in Thailand and a group of French consultants 5 persons traveled to visit the company and production line.
- On April 26, Jinpao participated in receiving a certificate of honor for the establishment development project in accordance with occupational health,safety and working environment management system standards for the fiscal year 2020 and 2021.
- On April, Jinpao started an expansion construction on punching plant and launched a new laser welding plant project at site of Soi 11.
2021 |
- I-Motor Thailand invited The Permanent Secretary of Minitry of Industry of Industry Mr. Kobchai Sungsitthisaward & Secretary General of the Board of Investment of Thailand Mr.Duangjai Asawachintachit to attend the Virtual Inauguration of Vapor. .
- Customer launched Asia's first brewable smart drink vending.
2020 |
- To hold a closing ceremony of M&A transaction (acquired SPEM Aero SAS) at La Ferme de Pinot, musée Aéroscopia on January 7, 2020.
- On July, Jinpao to be accredited with U.S. Nadcap Certificate in the field of Anodizing of Chemical Processing by the Authority of SAE.
- The Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand Mr. Lee Ying-Yuan visited Jinpao on the 5th of November.
2019 |
- The Minister of Oversea Community Affairs Councils, ROC (Taiwan) Mr. Hsin-Hsing Wu visited Jinpao Company on Jan 9, 2019.
- The first Jinpao Cup of National Automation Contest in Thailand was held by the Company on March 9, 2019.
- The Jinpao Company of Thailand jointedly with her French subsidiary as of a manufacturing supplier to co-participate in the Paris Air Show Franch on the 17 to 23 of June, 2019.
- To launch the phaseⅤproject of construction new Spray Paint Factory on current area of lane No. 11 on November.
- Issuing 2nd domestic convertible bond TWD 200M in TPEx market on November 28, 2019.
- Premium capital increasing by 4.2M new ordinary shares (capital=436.64M Baht) on December 23, 2019.
2018 |
- Grandly held the 20th Anniversary Celebration and Year-end Staff Sports Conference on Feb.
- In August, Jinpao was awarded the 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Award (CSR-DIW Award) by the Ministry of Industry of Thailand.
- In September, the Company signed the Share Purchase Agreement to formally acquire ADB and LuTEC, two France aerospace professional precision milling companies.
2017 |
- The Board of company resolved and approved an application for migration from OTC to major stock market of “TWSE” on a meeting held at January.
- For Ceremony of the Company to be transacted and migrated officially in the Taiwan Stocks Exchange Market out of OTC on the 9th of March.
- Being a project to acquire the Philips Thailand property, Jinpao granted tax incentives by BOI with (1) Aerospace products for 8yrs’ exemption, (2) Auto Machine products for 5yrs’ exemption and 1yr 50% off in a row.
- The Vice Minister for Finance Ministry of Thailand Mr. Kiatchai S. and the Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand Mr. Tung jointly visited Jinpao Company on the 4th day of August, 2017.
- Phase 4 factory expansion (for aerospace anodize treatment) kicked off on October.
- The Board resolved and approved a solar PV power rooftop project on October which costs 28.4 M Baht for a grid system 993.6 kWp power plan.
- The Board resolved and approved for procurement a land of 54 Rais in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) for collaboration to Thai Industry 4.0.
2016 |
- Jinpao accredited with more Nadcap Certificates in relative item of Spot Welding, Seam & Projection by the Authority of SAE on April.
- More land about 30.81 rai (49,296 sq m) and factory 13.11 rai (20,976 sq m) were procured from Philips Thailand for expansion purpose on July.
- Jinpao granted by the President of Republic of China (Taiwan) with the 18th Outstanding Overseas Taiwanese SMEs Award on October.
- The Company Managing Director Mr. Chung Kuo-Sung and Vice MD Ms. Kuo Hui-Ling rewarded by the Vice President of Republic of China (Taiwan) with the 25th Selection of Model Taiwan and Overseas Entrepreneurs Award on December.
2015 |
- Established a subsidiary at Tokyo in February
- For Signing Ceremony of a MOU to corporation with Labor Department of Thailand to develop technician education of the nation.
- Jinpao to be granted and awarded with “Green Star” by Industrial Estate of the Authority Thailand on September
- Issuing 1st local convertible bond TWD 200M in market Taiwan on October
- Premium capital increase of 2.3m shares (capital=360.5m Baht) on November
- In December, Jinpao to be accredited with a Nadcap Certificate in the field of Chemical Processing by the Authority of SAE.
- In additional, Jinpao to be accredited with a Nadcap Certificate in the field of Welding by the Authority of SAE.
2014 |
- A Board Meeting of GTSM held on the July to approve an application from the company for listing in GTSM securities market Taiwan.
- A cash capital increasing by issuing new ordinary share with 3,750,000 shares successfully (capital to be as TWD 337.5 M).
- The company shares were initial public offering, listing and being transacted successfully in the securities markets Taiwan which her share code registered as be no.: 5284.
- In November, Jinpao to be accredited with a Nadcap Certificate in the field of Non-Destructive Testing by the Authority of SAE.
2013 |
- Telecom outdoor enclosure products certified by AIS and going to mass production
- Established 1st European subsidiary (Belgium) on March
- Pre-IPO shares restructuring completed on Jun (listing entity “JPP holding” going to share-swap with operation entity “JP-Thailand”)
- Premium capital increase of 10m shares (capital = 450m Baht) on Sep
- “JPP holding” going to premium capital increase of 6,666,666 shares (capital = 300m TWD) on Oct
2012 |
- BOI approved investment incentives (telecom and aerospace) on Jan and Feb respectively, and of 8 yrs tax exempt and another 5 yrs 50% off.
- Resolution for going public to stock market Taiwan and registered to adopt FA from underwriter
- Phase 3 expansion completed on Jul
- Change par value to 10 Baht on Oct
- Premium capital increase of 5m shares (capital = 350m Baht) on Nov
2011 |
- PDM went live on Jul ; ERP went live on Aug
- Phase 3 expansion (aerospace products and smart digital factory) on Aug
- Capital increase 120m (capital = 300m) on Sept
2010 |
- TUV TS16949 (Automotive) certification on Jan
- AFNO AS9100(Aerospace) certification on Mar
- Started to penetrate niche markets like as aerospace, food inspection and health-care products
2009 |
- Sur Tec 650 Chromit AL® TCP certified on Jun
- Acquire 8.34 rai of land (13,344 sqm) on Aug for Phase 3 expansion
- Telecom outdoor enclosure product certified by TOT
2008 |
- Capital increase of 30m (capital = 180m) on Aug
- ISO14001 certified on Aug
- BOI approved investment incentives (electrical products, electronics, health-care, and industrial products) on Sept with 3 yrs tax exempt
2007 |
- Phase 2 expansion completed on Aug. added Painting, silk screen and welding capability
2006 |
- ISO9001 certified on Aug
- Capital increase of 50m (capital = 150m) on Aug
- Launch Phase 2 expansion
2005 |
- BOI approves investment incentives for Tooling and Precision Parts project on Apr
- Phase 1 facility completed on Oct
2004 |
- Capital increase of 40m (capital = 100m)
- Purchased 14.58 rai (23,328 sqm) of land on May to build phase 1 facility
2003 |
- Capital increase of 40m (capital = 60m)
2002 |
- Purchased first CNC punching and bending machines, penetrated HMLV product area.
2001 |
- Capital increase of 10m (capital = 20m)
1998 |
- Company establishment on Jan, for hard tooling design and manufacturing.
- Registered capital of 10m (par value of 100 Thai Baht)