Home/About Jinpao/Events





  1. On May 9, Jinpao welcomed the Chairman Mr. Hsieh Chin-Ho of Investment Media Ltd. to visit the company.
  2. On May 18, Jinpao welcomed the TECO Representative of R.O.C. Dr. Chuang Sou-Hang together with BangNa Taiwanese Association to visit the company.


  1. On February 18, Jinpao welcomed Ms. Estelle David, Director of Business France in Thailand and a group of French consultants 5 persons traveled to visit the company and production line.
  2. On April 26, Jinpao participated in receiving a certificate of honor for the establishment development project in accordance with occupational health,safety and working environment management system standards for the fiscal year 2020 and 2021.


  1. I-Motor Thailand invited The Permanent Secretary of Minitry of Industry Thailand Mr. Kobchai Sungsitthisaward & Secretary General of the Board of Investment Thailand Ms. Duangjai Asawachintachit to attend the Virtual Inauguration of Vapor.
  2. Customer launched Asia's first brewable smart drink vending machine.


  1. The Company held a closing Ceremony of M&A Transaction (acquired SPEM Aero SAS) at La Ferme de Pinot mus'ee Ae'roscorpia on Jan 7, 2020.
  2. The Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand Dr. Lee YingYuang visited at Jinpao on Nov 5, 2020.


  1. The Jinpao Thailand jointed with her French subsidiary as one of Airbus manufacturing suppliers to co-participate the Paris Air Show France from the 17th to 23rd of June, 2019.
  2. The 1st Jinpao Cup of Thailand Automation Contest was held on the 9th day of March, 2019.


  1. The Signature Ceremony of procurement a land 54 rais in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) for collaboration to Thai Industry 4.0 on January 1, 2018.
  2. The 20th Anniversary Celebration and Year-end Staff Sports Conference on February 3, 2018.
  3. To celebrate and sponsor Bangpoo IEAT 40th Anniversary with Marathon Competition on Feb 18, 2018.
  4. The Jinpao was awarded the 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Award (CSR-DIW Award) by the Ministry of Industry Thailand on August 17, 2018.
  5. The President of Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) Mr. James C.F. Huang to visit Jinpao on August 29, 2018.


  1. For Ceremony of the Company to be transacted and migrated officially in the Taiwan Stocks Exchange Market out of OTC on March 9, 2017.
  2. The Vice Minister for Finance Ministry of Thailand Mr. Kiatchai S. and the Representative of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand Mr. Tung jointly visited Jinpao Company on the 4th day of August, 2018.
  3. The Ceremony of sponsor a 3 D Printer machine to KMUTT University on Sep 25, 2018.
  4. The Ceremony of Phase 4 factory expansion (for aerospace anodize treatment) kicked off on October 16, 2017.


  1. 105年12月27日 中華民國 行政院科技部 楊弘敦部長一行蒞臨參訪本公司。
  2. 105年12月本公司 總經理鍾國松先生暨 副總經理郭惠齡女士分別榮獲 副總統頒發中華民國海外華人第25屆創業楷模暨相扶獎。
  3. 105年11月21日中國生產力中心(CPC)舉辦「2016智造東協、泰國領航」,由經濟部中小企業處及CPC安排具有智慧化生產體系、數位化管理系統與難度極高鋁熔接技術堪稱亞洲第一的經寶公司進行參訪與交流。
  4. 105年10月本公司榮獲中華民國 總統頒發第18屆中華民國海外台商磐石。
  5. 105年9月11日社會企業責任6S慈善公益活動 Charitable and Public Welfare Activities.
  6. 105年1月16日舉辦歲末公司員工運動大會暨年終尾牙餐會。


  1. 217日本公司與 泰國國勞工廳技職署簽立合作備忘錄,協助發展泰國技職教育。
  2. 122日賀 本公司 榮獲泰國國家工業區管理局,頒發 ”Green Star Award/綠色節能之星優良廠商獎。


  1. 10月7日正式上櫃敲鑼典禮
  2. 9月18日業績發表會
  3. 822日股東臨時會
  4. 7月18日 台北科技大學102級經管及工管所EMBA參訪
  5. 4月29日櫃買中心送件
  6. 4月27日股東大會相關活動